I've gone down life's roughest roads.

Because of that, I've made it my life's work to save those around me from going down the dark and challenging streets I've had to travel.

This journey hasn't been easy.

I was born and raised on a sheep farm and grew up extremely poor. I spent a lot of my adult life dealing with addiction and many years in and out of jail, prisons, institutions, and treatment centers. I left my hometown in 2000 in handcuffs and understandably not very well-liked.

I returned in 2016, and throughout the last few years, I've become well-loved and accepted in my community. As a business owner, I provide a lot of jobs for people, and I have also cleaned up and fixed countless abandoned houses in the area. I own many rental homes, as well.

I also compete in triathlons, Tough Mudder competitions, Spartan races and CrossFit. In short, I have gone from living the life of a drug addict to becoming a clean, sober, successful entrepreneur and community leader. There was a time I didn't care about anything.

At one point in my life, I couldn't get a job or rent an apartment. No one wanted to hire me. I was between a rock and a hard place. Now, I don't deal with that anymore. I will never work for anyone else again; however, many people work for me. Having had challenging experiences, I want to be the pound of cure for someone else.

Maybe you are dealing with addiction.

Maybe you are someone who has some skills and knows how to work in a trade.

But you don't know the first steps to become an entrepreneur. Or perhaps you don't know what it takes to buy real estate or be in that market.

Maybe you're trying to make some positive changes in your life, but you may also be moving into areas you don't know about, with people who have some skills but don't know how to break into that particular field. Perhaps you are working a dead-end job and want to move on from the endless W-2 lifestyle that drives you nuts, and you're ready to get out of that rat race.

As a business owner, I own a few different companies that require me to manage people and support them. For instance, I own a thriving construction business that builds storage sheds, I own real estate, and I am a landlord. I also have a restaurant, which is not exactly my thing, but it's brought me added success and visibility in the community.

I know what it feels like to struggle to pay the bills. I've even been homeless, living in my truck in parking lots when I couldn't afford hotel bills.

I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck.

But I've worked hard to be at this point in my life. I hope you learn from all my mistakes - and, believe me, there are plenty! I'm writing this book for you so that you can have a new life and go from struggling and barely making it to thriving and making lots of money.

It was never easy to get here. I had to make many adjustments that could have (and should have) happened sooner in my life. But let's be honest. Late bloomers can be some of the most productive and innovative people on the planet. If you want to find out more about how to turn your life around, fix it, and become the best version of yourself, read on.

You'll discover new things about yourself and how to reinvent yourself. You can be the person you love seeing in the mirror every morning. Create a new life for yourself.

Let's get started!




Email: Damon@dn.DamonNichols.com